101. Direct post.- (1) Direct post shall be an un-addressed mail, comprising of unaddressed items like letters, cards, brochures, questionnaires, pamphlets, samples, promotional items, coupons, posters, mailers or any other form of printed communication that is not prohibited by the Act or these regulations.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this regulation, “mail” means printed matter usually carrying a sales message or announcement, designed to elicit a response from a carefully selected consumer or business market.
- These items shall be accepted in bulk in designated post office and shall not be posted in a letter box.
- In case of items meant for delivery in other towns, direct post items shall be accepted in Postal Index Number (PIN) Code wise bundles.
- The operational conditions for availing direct post, including minimum quantity of mail, shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
- The rates chargeable on direct post are mentioned in Table I of Schedule II.
102. Media post.- (1) Media post shall be an advertising mechanism designed to help the Central Government or State Government and corporate clients for promoting their products and services as it offers a range of advertising mediums such as postal stationery and postal premises.
- The advertisement shall be displayed at the area identified for advertisement in the premises of the post office.
- The conditions for availing media post shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
- The rates chargeable under media post are mentioned in Table II of Schedule II.
103. e-Post.- (1) e-Post provides facility to send a message to any address in India with a combination of electronic transmission and physical delivery through a network of post offices.
- e-Post sends messages as a soft copy through internet and at the destination, it will be delivered to the addressee in the form of hard copy as an unaccountable letter item.
- This facility is available for retail as well as for bulk customers:
Provided that bulk customers shall enter into an agreement with the concerned authority of the Post Office for availing the e-Post facility.
- The operational conditions for sending e-Post shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
- The fee on services to be provided under the e- Post are mentioned in Table III of Schedule II.
104. e-Payment.- (1) e-Payment provides the services of collection of bill amount or other payments for third party through post offices by entering into an agreement with the concerned authority of the Post Office.
(2) The operational conditions and fee relating to e-Payment shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
105. Retail post.- (1) Retail post shall provide the sale of departmental and third party products or services with an aim to provide convenience to the general public by making these products or services available in their vicinity through post offices.
- Departmental products or services shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
- The third party products or services shall be offered through entering into an agreement with the concerned public sector and private sector entities.
- The Circle Head is authorised to enter into an agreement with the concerned public sector and private sector entities on behalf of the Post Office.
- The charges on services to be provided under the retail post shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions by the Post Office after taking into consideration the aspects of the service to be provided.
- The Operational conditions for retail post shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
106. Magazine post.- (1) Any publication may be transmitted by post as 'magazine post”, if it is -
- covered under the definition of the term “periodical” under the Press and
Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023 (51 of 2023);
- brought out, printed, or published in India only;
- registered with the Press Registrar of General of India under the Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023 (51 of 2023) and possesses the certificate of registration allotted by the Press Registrar of General;
- adhere with the provisions of the Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023 (51 of 2023);
- have a bonafide list of at least 500 subscribers; and
- posted with minimum 500 copies at a time.
- Every magazine post shall be delivered to the address mentioned on the post as an accountable item.
- The facilities of cash payment, Book Now Pay Later (BNPL) and advance payment may be availed by the customer for payment of postage chargeable on the periodicals under the magazine post.
- The operational conditions for magazine post shall be such as may be specified by administrative instructions from time to time.
- In case of infringement of conditions mentioned in sub-regulation (1), the item posted under the magazine post shall be treated and charged as a speed post item.
- The rates of postage chargeable on magazine post shall be as mentioned in Table IV of Schedule II.
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